Comments for Birthspirit
Tue, 01 Mar 2016 07:09:00 +0000hourly1 on A toe in the water: exploring breech waterbirth by birthspirit
Mon, 15 Feb 2016 20:49:13 +0000, Swapril, all births and labouring women should be treated with gentleness and respect in the holistic way you describe. That is why I chose to work as a home birth midwife with known caregivers to support me.
]]>Comment on The obstetric bed: resistance in action by birthspirit
Mon, 15 Feb 2016 20:35:23 +0000 Zoe and thanks
]]>Comment on The story that got midwives and obstetricians talking together by Helen ED Shallow
Sat, 23 Jan 2016 10:50:20 +0000’t extraordinary that the Amy’s story is so familiar to us here on the other side of the planet? It was great to hear of your joint meeting that gave everyone a chance to discuss the issues. We can certainly learn from that. The bias remains in favour of CS despite the rhetoric moderating slightly in view of more recent evidence that casts doubts on the Hannah trial. Even so the Hannah trial did so much damage to practitioner confidence and exposure to breech births. The only way we can get the confidence back is to share skills in the way you are suggesting Good on you NZ! Very best wishes Helen Shallow X Head of Midwifery and consultant midwife and now soon to submit PhD.
]]>Comment on When three stages just aren’t enough… by Angela
Mon, 04 Jan 2016 04:45:16 +0000! A great tool to have. Thank you.
]]>Comment on A breech reflection by Ruby Alexander
Thu, 31 Dec 2015 23:41:49 +0000 you so much for this Sue, it has certainly built my understanding of breech births.
]]>Comment on Water Birth Workshop (Online) 6-13 May 2016 by Ahmed
Thu, 10 Dec 2015 23:18:37 +0000 is debate’ around water birth for breech. Some practitioners feel that gravity is an important element of the physiological breech birth other’s feel that water allows the baby to move easily and keeps the baby and cord warm. I am NOT a breech expert and I have never attended a breech waterbirth so don’t feel qualified to make a statement either way. I know the midwife who attended the birth on this video. The plan was to birth out of water but the mother chose to remain in the water when the time came. I guess it is about being responsive to the situation as it unfolds.
]]>Comment on A toe in the water: exploring breech waterbirth by Swapnil
Thu, 10 Dec 2015 22:10:30 +0000 is so beutiful, it left me sahikng. My daughter was a vaginal breech but nothing like this, a small part of me feels grief that it was nothing like this but mostly I just feel in awe. Something has shifted in me recently and I can see things so much clearer, all births whether in water or not should be like this one in this video. Why don’t hospitals take into account the spiritual, emotional, cultural,and family health aspects of childbirth when they talk about safety? So many women are being damaged every day by the neglect of the system to acknowledge the implications, of not acknowledging these aspects of childbirth. If I feel empowered by watching it I can only imagine how the woman who gave birth feels. I bet she didn’t have an issue with postnatal depression or PTSD.
]]>Comment on Breech Birth Online Workshop, 6 – 24 June 2016 by Bicycle
Thu, 10 Dec 2015 21:56:00 +0000 I had a caesarean birth only 2 mothns ago, and in a lot of ways, it was a natural caesarean, but I was most interested to read the article and approach taken by the medico’s, towards trying to make caesareans more gentle. I didn’t expect to be in that situation EVER and had never read up about it, considering this was my 5th birth after 2 homebirths and 2 easy hospital births,but I almost wish I’d read this article before, as for me the most traumatic bit was hearing Balthazar, and knowing he was out, and not being able to see or touch him. And about the only thing I feel bad for him about, was being yanked out by his leg and shocked into life.But apart from that, by all accounts my caesarean was almost natural! I was incredibly greatfull to have a team of respectful folk in surgery, who paved the way for me to have as little intervention as I could in the circumstances. And as soon as our placenta was out, they popped it in a plastic bag and handed him straight to me, no examinations or anything else inbetween him and me coming together again. He buried his head in my neck straight away, and shielded his eyes with his hands, and I haven’t really let him go since.After having an unexpected caesarean, my judgements about it have drastically changed, and I’d love to hear more of a dialoge about how to do caesarean’s better, if that is the way it has to be for a mother and child.
]]>Comment on When three stages just aren’t enough… by birthspirit
Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:04:51 +0000 Kim. I will send your comments on to Avon
]]>Comment on When three stages just aren’t enough… by kim woodard osterholzer
Thu, 08 Oct 2015 17:45:39 +0000 is an incredible article! As a midwife and the mother of a midwife who’ll be birthing her first little one around Thanksgiving, I’m delighted, convicted, and inspired! I’ll be sharing this on my facebook pages, and sending it straight along to my daughter! Thanks both to you and to your remarkably thoughtful client!