The FTPs of caesarean section

Originally published in Birthspirit Midwifery Journal 2009; 4: 25-30. Revised. The artwork in this post was historically available at As the artist did not engage in dialogue, permission was unable to be sought to reproduce this previously freely available … Continue reading

Are midwives more ‘at home’ at home?

Evidence that place of birth influences midwifery practice is discussed by Suzanne Miller. In this post, originally published in Birthspirit Midwifery Journal 2009; 1: 7-11, Suzanne introduced her own Masters research which examined similarities and differences in practice of a … Continue reading

Elusive and contrary: an optimal inter-birth interval for twins at term

Originally published in Birthspirit Midwifery Journal 2010; 6: 55-57.Revised February 2014 Midwifery ethos demands that while remaining mindful of a woman’s ‘birthing potential’ WHO (1998, p. 2) and that any number of eventualities can arise, we nurture the physiological process … Continue reading